
창문 난방

2021.05.28 04:33

상호아빠 조회:678

 캐나다 추운 곳에서 살고있습니다.

집 지을때 3중 창을 안한게 정말 후회가 됩니다.

이 창문 난방하는 좋은 아이디어가 있을지요

제가 찾아 본것은

- 단열필름: https://news.joins.com/article/23691978

- 창문에 칠하는 뽁뽁이


그리고 해외 사이트

- https://www.dontwasteyourmoney.com/best-heat-control-window-film/

이중에 하나 아마존에서 찾아 봤습니다.


About this item

  • ADVANCED UV BLOCKING PROTECTION – This anti-glare window film is designed to block out harmful UV rays which can impact eye and skin health, heat insulation, and energy savings for intense summers and year-round coverage. Reducing expensive heating and cooling costs
  • STATIC CLING APPLICATION – This advanced window tint film uses static cling to easily attach to your window and doesn’t use adhesives for a faster, glue free design,bubble-free placement. It can also be removed with no sticky residue!
  • DAYTIME PRIVACY PROTECTION – Applying our mirror window film to your windows keeps prying eyes from looking in during daytime while letting natural lights in, and outside glass shows mirror reflective effect. NOTICE: When the inside light is stronger than outside at night, the film CAN NOT provide privacy, and the mirror reflective effect will disappear. Do remember to draw curtain during night.
  • MULTIPURPOSE HOME OR OFFICE USE– HIDBEA one way privacy window film can be used in living rooms, waiting areas, bedrooms, attics, enclosed porches, and anywhere windows where you want to block UV light or intense heat. (Not applicable to double pane glass) <<------
  • TRUSTED AFTER-SALES SERVICE – We want to provide you with the very best window glass films possible, as well as with customer service you can rely on. We’ll always be here to answer questions and provide fast support.

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